Sunday, May 11, 2008

Some design koans

A good design is worth ten implementations.
A bad architecture can´t be saved by a million developers (in the long run).
Software rots.
Software flexibility comes from the blood of its creators.
Design patterns in a language/framework are code idioms in a better one.
Refactoring is trying to get design out of entropy-full code.
Sw process is how it is done, not what is written or talked about.
You get farther striving for simplicity than for cleverness or features.
Design is what can be said about software without having to read each line of code. The more that needs to be said the worse the design.
Reuse is a dream, but we are allowed to dream. Aren´t we?
Reuse is now at the copy-and-paste level.
Software reuse is what a developer has learned after completing a project.
A software factory is an oxymoron.
Good code can only be appreciated by developers, the effects of bad code are detected by anyone.
Abstraction is the last refuge of the reckless.
As in real life, good looks can hide mean souls.

Those are mine (as far as I know), there are great sw koan writers around, I´ll add links latter.